People-Centric Philosophy: InCoBAN’s Commitment to Human Capital

Over 60 million people are employed in India’s construction industry, which is a lighthouse of economic activity and the backbone of the country’s infrastructural development. But beyond the surface of progress is a harsh reality: a sizable share of the workforce including many women, struggle with structural issues and unjust treatment. At InCoBAN, we understand how important it is to transform this narrative and envision a future where construction workers receive the economic security, respect, and dignity they deserve.

The Current Landscape:

A startling 36.2% of temporary circular migrants work in the construction industry, travelling great distances in search of employment opportunities. Despite their vital contributions, these workers often find themselves marginalized and vulnerable, devoid of standard employment contracts or lawful protections. Moreover, women, who constitute one-third of the construction workforce, confront additional barriers to entry and advancement, perpetuating gender disparities within the industry.

Despite their crucial contributions, they frequently experience marginalization and vulnerability, lacking regular employment contracts or legal protections. In addition, women, who make up one-third of the workforce in construction, face extra obstacles to admission and promotion, which contributes to the persistence of gender imbalances in the sector. In addition to blue-collar workers, white-collar professionals face obstacles associated with their career development, which can cause problems in securing employment. This harms businesses, especially MSMEs. Therefore, to improve the employability of recent graduates and young professionals, and to support the talent pipeline, industry and academia must work together proactively. Comparably, seasoned professionals frequently show aptitude in their technical fields but need to improve concerning the leadership qualities needed to become leaders in their companies and industries.

Our Goal:

At InCoBAN, we foresee a revolution in the construction sector driven by a people-centric mindset that prioritizes the empowerment and well-being of employees. Our twofold mission is to redefine the meaning of physical labour by creating skill development appealing and economically rewarding; and to establish an “Organised Labour Market” that addresses the industry’s changing labour requirements while guaranteeing social security and rights for workers. 

Key Initiatives and Deliverables:

1. Creating an ‘Organised Labour Market’: 

Working towards our dedication to social justice and inclusivity, our goal is to introduce an innovative approach to labour management that goes beyond traditional hierarchies and exploitative practices. We aim to create a culture of respect and dignity for all workers, support adequate wages and working conditions, and enable equitable access to job opportunities through the creation of a centralized platform.

2. Cross-Subsidization:

Recognizing the interdependence of industry players, we advocate the use of existing government programs and CSR spending to fund projects that empower and uplift the construction workers. We want to establish a sustainable funding system that facilitates skill development, social welfare programs, and community activities by utilizing our combined resources and experience. 

3. Sustaining Compliance and Reducing Risk:

Our approach focuses on our steadfast commitment to upholding the highest levels of employee protection and legal adherence. We safeguard worker rights and well-being while reducing risks for end users by promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical practices throughout the construction value chain through close collaboration with industry associations, government agencies, and civil society organizations. 

4. Stakeholder Engagement:

We recognize the value of working together and establishing collaborations with governmental agencies, businesses, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and labour unions to accomplish our common goal. We co-create and execute strategies that tackle the various needs and difficulties encountered by the construction workforce, building an environment of trust and unity through inclusive discussion, active decision-making, and multi-stakeholder involvement. 

5. Making Skill Development Aspirational:

Our goal is centered on developing talent and providing chances for lifelong learning in the construction industry. We want to provide employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to flourish in their line of work, leading to an increase in their earning potential, job stability, and socioeconomic mobility. To achieve this aim, we offer vocational training, apprenticeship programs, and capacity-building projects.

We offer skill development programs for all:

ALPIC: The Advanced Leadership Program for Infrastructure and Construction, or ALPIC, gives mid-career professionals strategic insights to drive long-term sustainable progress.

Bootcamp: By providing practical training and real-world exposure, InCoBAN’s Bootcamp equips aspiring professionals for successful careers in infrastructure and construction.

The Executive Development Program: This is designed to help organizations grow and oversee their human capital while improving program management and leadership abilities.

ASCENT: This Initiative bridges the gap between academics and industry by promoting interest in engineering and preparing individuals for lifelong learning.

Apprenticeship Program: InCoBAN’s Apprenticeship Program provides beginners with the opportunity to gain hands-on expertise and hone their skills, allowing them to make significant contributions to the industry’s expansion. 

One empowered professional at a time, InCoBAN is reshaping the construction sector in India by providing a range of programs that cater to different demands. We aim to advocate a people-centric concept that enables an extensive transformation of the Indian construction sector, rooted in the principles of social justice, equity, and human dignity. We aim to create a future where all construction workers can prosper by promoting an inclusive, empathetic, and empowered culture. This will change the perception of physical labour and redefine what it means to be treated with respect at work. Come along on this life-changing journey with us as we open the door to a more promising and just future for everybody.

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