
Advanced Leadership Program in Infrastructure & Construction (ALPIC)

Advanced Leadership Program in Infrastructure & Construction (ALPIC)

Welcome to the Advance Leadership Program for Infrastructure and Construction (ALPIC). ALPIC stands out for its holistic approach, aiming to equip leaders with a comprehensive understanding and the ability to address complex challenges through Systems Thinking. This program goes beyond conventional training, focusing on self-discovery and empowering leaders to craft and implement self-balancing, adaptive systems. With a blend of inner, inter, and intra-disciplinary modules, ALPIC ensures a well-rounded development experience.

Embark on a journey of leadership transformation with ALPIC. Elevate your understanding, amplify your problem-solving abilities, and contribute to the advancement of the infrastructure and construction sector. Discover the power of Systems Thinking and unleash your potential to create lasting impact. The future of leadership in this dynamic field starts here. 

Program Structure

The course will have four terms with six to seven subjects in each term. Each term will be three months duration with 6 to 7 days of residency per term. Every course will have a minimum of 10 hours of lecture, both online and offline combined.

Four Terms
12 Months
10 Hours / Subject
Distinguished Faculty
Mode: Offline/Online (80:20)
Batch Size 40


The objective of the ISLA is also to equip the leaders with the ability to comprehend complex issues and study their potential impact on hyperplane instead of looking at them through a bi-dimensional prism for effective decision making. This program is intended to develop leaders with holistic perspective about infrastructure: the “System-of-Systems” approach.

Understand the disruptions and their implications on infrastructure due to emerging global business models

Develop a deeper understanding of the sector with factual perspectives and an evidence-based thinking approach

Cultivate leadership, positive deviation and leverage the ethos, ethics, equity, and values embedded in our culture

Appreciate VUCA and develop learning agility and versatility

Imbibe the exponential mindset with 21st century skills and enhance self-awareness on the dimensions of emotional intelligence

Develop strong social network, become catalysts and change agents

Think technology while performing in the labor-intensive industry


The teaching will be of a combination of self-reflective modules including lectures, class discussions, case studies, quizzes and presentations with significant involvement of participants inside and outside the classroom. The Program will include many practical exercises and activities that are insightful and will be delivered in interactive learning methods. The lectures will be delivered by eminent faculties from academia, industry, institutions and government.

Term 1

Setting the Fundamentals

Term 2

Learning from others

Term 3

Solving Complexity

Term 4

Looking Ahead

The Capstone

Students are expected to work on a culminating assignment from the 2nd term itself.

It involves several intellectual activities. Students are expected to use their learning, analyze information and understand how to work with it efficiently.

Learning Outcome

Develop integrative thinking and appreciation of the multi-disciplinary approach

Build capabilities for evidence-based research

Develop a perspective on the relative efficacy of different approaches and make an informed evaluation of tradeoffs

Learn to use global best practices & understand the current trends in the sector

Learn to use global best practices & understand the current trends in the sector

Equipped to draw and assess evidence based conclusions (Build Capabilities for Evidence-based Research)

Effective articulation and communication

Making participants clearly understand the current challenges and provide introduce thinking about how they can be overcome

Learn about the global best practices & the current trends in the sector

Ability to develop governance and leveraging technology for sector development

Who could benefit from ALPIC ?


Professionals with atleast 10 years of experience. However, in special cases, number of years of experience shall be relaxed at the discretion of InCoBAN.